Facial treatment? Yes, please!

I can’t believe that Clara is 14 months old now! Time really flies, when you become a mother! I have always been quite vain, when it comes to my look – it is important to me to fell good on the inside – but on the outside as well!

How to stay warm and stylish at the same time…

Christmas… The season of joy, of gift-giving and of families united! It is that time of the year, where London looks even prettier than usual – and if you haven’t visited the city in December, you simply have to come around!

Spring surprise for all my readers! JORD wood watch giveaway!

Finally spring has come to London! It is time to put away the heavy coats, the wollen scarfs and annoying gloves – and celebrate the most beautiful season of the year! Times are indeed changing for Frenchie and me! Within two months, we will be a family – and looking at my babybump, I still can’t believe how blessed we are!


A Family Treat at the London Marriott County Hall Hotel

A Family Treat at the London Marriott County Hall Hotel

Staycation… such a popular choice these days! And now I know why!
To be honest, I have never experienced a staycation before. Why stay at a hotel, when your home is 20 mins drive away? I will tell you why! It is an amazing opportunity to get away from it all without the travel-hassle! You basically take time off from work and daily chores and instead spending quality time with your family (in very luxurious surroundings!) Yay!

Wonderful Verbier

Wonderful Verbier

Last weekend was very special! It was the first time, that Frenchie and I went on a long weekend without Clara for more than a year. We really needed to spend some quality time together after many months of lockdown and moving to a new place. My mother came over from Denmark (she is the best babysitter in the world), and off we went to a place, that I have been wanted to visit for as long as I can remember… Verbier!

Reconnecting with Nature at Les Villages Nature Paris

Reconnecting with Nature at Les Villages Nature Paris

Paris… What a wonderful time, we had in this gorgeous city! If you have read my previous blog post, you will know, that Frenchie, Clara and I spent three wonderful days in “The city of love” – and it was amazing! What was even more amazing is, that our trip to France wasn’t over – it was time to move on… Time to go somewhere, where we could relax in beautiful surroundings and and have a lot of family fun!

How to spend a Weekend in Paris with a Toddler

How to spend a Weekend in Paris with a Toddler

Paris… The city of love (and the city I have been waiting for Frenchie to show me for so long!) Finally, it happened – and it was a wonderful trip. If you are not aware of it it yet, Frenchie has lived in Paris for many years before moving to London, so we were really happy, when we got the opportunity to visit this amazing city – and bring our lille Clara along as well!