Back to Beautiful Bordeaux

Back to Beautiful Bordeaux

I can’t believe it has been almost two years, since Clara and I went to Bordeaux with Frenchie to see his parents. Lockdown life has been tough, hasn’t it? So no doubt, our trip back to Bordeaux would be emotional and full of joy! Clara saw her grandparents for the...
Reconnecting with Nature at Les Villages Nature Paris

Reconnecting with Nature at Les Villages Nature Paris

Paris… What a wonderful time, we had in this gorgeous city! If you have read my previous blog post, you will know, that Frenchie, Clara and I spent three wonderful days in “The city of love” – and it was amazing! What was even more amazing is, that our...
How to spend a Weekend in Paris with a Toddler

How to spend a Weekend in Paris with a Toddler

Paris… The city of love (and the city I have been waiting for Frenchie to show me for so long!) Finally, it happened – and it was a wonderful trip. If you are not aware of it it yet, Frenchie has lived in Paris for many years before moving to London, so we were...
Le Mans… So much more than the 24 hour race!

Le Mans… So much more than the 24 hour race!

Have you ever heard of Le Mans? – or perhaps “the Cité Plantagenet?” To most people, including myself, Le Mans doesn’t mean a thing apart from the 24 hour racing spectacle once a year. But let me tell you something! Le Mans is much, much more than a race!...