Girls’ Night out at 24 Mayfair

Girls’ Night out at 24 Mayfair

Last week my best friend from Denmark came to London to visit me. I haven’t seen her in a year, so I was really excited and looking forward to spending a bit of quality time together. Even though we both love and adore little Clara, I wanted to go somewhere, where it...
Date Night at Hollywood Arms

Date Night at Hollywood Arms

Datenight! Who said, that being parents should be all about children? Don’t get me wrong, I am probably one of the most devoted mums in the world, but I do believe, that it is important to let your hair down and go out and have a lovely meal and a great bottle of wine...
Happy Birthday, Mr Churchill

Happy Birthday, Mr Churchill

There is a place in London, that is dear to my heart! It is a stylish and yet cosy cocktail bar located in Hyatt Regency London – and it is called The Churchill! The Churchill is conveniently situated near many of the popular streets of London, which is why it...