There is no doubt, that mum life can be stressful! I think, that I speak for many new mums, when I say, that “worrying is a big part of my day!” I worry over, why Clara sometimes won’t sleep, why she wakes up crying in the middle of the night, if I feed her correctly, and when to call the doctor, if she has a fever!(Yes, my doctor knows very well, who I am these days!)
There are MANY opinions out there – and google is not always your friend! Google can be misleading, and even though friends and family are giving you loving advice, they might not always be right for you and your baby!
So how to navigate through the sea of wet and dirty nappies – and the worries over crying/sneezing, breast/bottle-feeding, sleeping schedule and most of all how to be the perfect mum?
Well… What I am slowly realising is, that I can’t be perfect! I will make mistakes – I am only human after all! But I can cope with stress, and I can do things, that makes life easier – for Clara and for me!
I am currently on maternity leave, but being a full-time blogger demands a lot of me! As a professional blogger, you just can’t put your blog aside, whenever you want to. I have chosen to work in the evening, because that is when Clara is (mostly) asleep. I prefer to work like this, as I want to be with Clara during the day and thereby not feel stress and guilt over not being there for her, when she needs me
It can be quite cosy working in the evening! (Especially if I spoil myself with a glass of chilled Sancerre!)
Stay healthy
Yes, I admit it! I don’t always eat healthy snacks! Sometimes it is just easier to grab a chocolate bar, when you are tired, stressed and in need of sugar! But stressed or not -it really is important to eat healthy for body and soul!
I realised early after giving birth, that I was suffering from stress: I was tired, worried, had tension headaches, low energy, a weakened immune system and sore joints…
I am no expert in health supplements, but when I was offered to try out Zenflore, I became curious! Zenflore is a new probiotic – it is actually one of the first psychobiotics! Yes, I know the word “psychobiotics” sounds a bit strange, but this product contains 1714-Serenitas – a bacterial culture which increases the activity in the areas of the brain, that is associated with emotions, learning and memory – it also reduces the level of the well-known stress hormone cortisol!
Zenflore is a natural supplement! It is part of the family of bacteria given by mother to baby at birth and naturally at home in the human gut. The 1714-Serenitas culture in Zenflore is also involved in regulating the immune system which plays an important role in health and well-being
What I like about this supplement is, that it doesn’t make you drowsy and can easily be taken with other supplements and medicine! I take glucosamine for my sore joints, and adding Zenflore hasn’t caused any problems at all!
So does Zenflore work?
At the beginning, I didn’t feel any difference! I guess, when you are stressed, you want miracles to happen immediately! But after a while, I started to realise, that I was getting a much better sleep at night! My brain isn’t giving me the annoying “updates and analysis of everything, that has been going on during the day” anymore. Frenchie says, that I am less moody – and I am actually able to plan ahead without feeling under pressure!
It is so important for me, that Clara is happy! But for Clara to be happy, her mother has to be happy too!
Giggling girls…
I have said it before – and I will say it again! To get the good endorphins flowing, you need to excise!
Yes, it might sometimes feel like the last thing you want to do (especially, when it is raining), but once you start moving, you will feel amazing. And the buzz will set you up for the rest of your day and week! I love my daily walks with Clara! They give me renewed energy – and fresh air is good for baby too!
Remember to breathe
One of the most simple things in the world can be difficult, when you are stressed! I have had a few panic attacks in my life – and let me tell you, breathing is not easy, if you’re dealing with a screaming child at the same time! Try to focus on your breath and remember to take even just five minutes a day to breathe deeply or meditate! I am educated Mindfulness Instructor, which has helped me in so many ways!
“The very fact, that you worry about being a good mum, means that you already are one!” (Jodi Picoult)
Tell the mum guilt to bugger off!
Being a perfectionist it is hard for me to lower my expectations about what I can achieve in one day. But as my clever mother said to me “Don’t forget, that if you keep your baby fed, warm and happy, then you have done a good job!” Do not worry about whether your baby has been introduced to Peppa Pig on your iPhone a bit early, hasn’t had enough tummy time, or didn’t sleep at the “right” time. In other words… tell the mum guilt to bugger off, and remind yourself, that anything else you get done outside of being a mum is a bonus!
This post was made in collaboration with Zenflore. All opinions are as always my own!
I can only imagine how many opinions get forced upon you from the internet and other people! It is clear how well Clara is loved and really what is more important than that! xxx
You are so right, my darling 🙂
Louise X
Oh Louise, there is just so many people and things out there that just have t o put a negative stance on things but Clara is a happy cutie pie. You are an amazing mum, it’s so obvious to see how fantastic you are and I just don’t know how you do it and you do it all so glamorously too! B xx
Thank you so much, lovely Bejal!
Not always glam – love my cosy outfits as well! I am Danish after all, so there has to plenty of room for “hygge” 😀
Louise X
Clara is just the most gorgeous little bundle. And you’re both doing such a beautiful job. And I’m with Bejal, you’re always such a glamorous mamacita! x
Awww… Thank you in so many ways, Scarlett! We loved having you and Mark here last Saturday!
Louise X