Shakespeare’s Stratford-Upon-Avon

Shakespeare’s Stratford-Upon-Avon

United Kingdom… You are so much more than just London! And I am so happy, that I finally get to see so much of you now, that Clara is old enough to explore this beautiful country with her parents! This weekend it was all about Shakespeare – and a beautiful,...
A Game of Thrones themed Trip to Northern Ireland Part II

A Game of Thrones themed Trip to Northern Ireland Part II

Oscar WIlde, Mary Robinson, Cilian Murphy, Peter O´Toole, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, James Joyce, Gabriel Byrne, Samuel Beckett, Bram Stoker and recently most of the HBO Game of Thrones cast… These are just some of the famous people who are either Irish or have contributed...
A Game of Thrones themed Trip to Northern Ireland part I

A Game of Thrones themed Trip to Northern Ireland part I

Being a Londoner, it is not very often, that I get to see breathtakingly beautiful nature, but luckily I do not need to travel very far to get myself a boost of green.  As you might remember, my little family spent a lovely weekend in Plymouth and Somerset a few weeks...
Felling good in Plymouth

Felling good in Plymouth

I have got the countryside on my mind… If you have read my previous blog post, you know, that Frenchie, Clara and I recently enjoyed a lovely weekend break in the countryside! Our journey began in Somerset, and then we travelled further south… Welcome to...
The Great Escape to Mount Somerset Hotel and Spa

The Great Escape to Mount Somerset Hotel and Spa

Sometimes you just need a bit of green! Now, I think we all know, that I love the whole “bright light, big city” phenomenon – but sometimes you just need a bit of green! And green was exactly what this trip was all about! We were on our way far, far south west...